Wednesday, November 19, 2014

10 months

10 months old now folks. I am testing cause and effect and looking for new places to explore. I love to make a break for the bathroom to see who will come get me. I also like to empty any drawers within my reach. I'm getting even cuter if you can believe it and I'm learning a lot. I can identify some objects in the kitchen and around the house. I also love to play "Where's Max?" by peeking around corners. Oh, and I absolutely love bananas and applesauce.

Here are some pics of Halloween at the zoo with my cousin Elmo. I was "Max" from Where the Wild Things Are.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Heavenly breeze! I'm 9 months old today!

I have 5 teeth! I am creeping along furniture, cautious but confident. My desire to be independent has skyrocketed. I love eating puffs and cheerios. Sweet potatoes are still my favorite food but I really like peaches too! I enjoy playing catch and my toys that spin.

Monday, September 1, 2014

8 months

Well hello there. I'm 8 months now. I am officially crawling and I love to climb and pull myself up on things. I have given up growling for clicking my tongue. My favorite food is sweet potatoes, other than my bottle. I still go crazy for that!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Max's first wedding

Congratulations Norma-Jean and Dan!

7 months

I've reached the wise old age of 7 months and I'm loving life. I express myself through yells, growls, wrist turns, and gorilla belly pounds. I'm still rolling around and I have mastered sitting up independently. I like to walk in my baby walker (super fast into mama & daddy's ankles). I smile and laugh all the time. Oh and I still have a fascination with tags!